"We just listened to your new CD, and it is so wonderful! I love the arrangements, and I can really worship as I listen. What a blessing!!! I have fallen in love with the "Revelation Song" arrangement. I have never heard it done like that before, with "Holy, Holy, Holy" interwoven, and with the chords you used. Ingenious! Absolutely beautiful and most worshipful. I totally love it! "
- Jan, Glencoe, MN
"I've already worn Sanctuary out, and I've had so much fun passing out this new CD! It's so awesome to be able to share the music! Thank you, thank you for your ministry! "
- Care, Wasilla, AK
"You will be spellbound. I have Sanctuary on repeat and it plays continuously. "
- Starr, Eagan, MN
"Sanctuary will take you to that peaceful place of worship where the rest of the world fades away and it's just you and our precious Lord. "
- Sharon, Roswell, NM